Find out the facts about pornstar and adult model Fiona Fuchs today and learn her personal facts such as height, weight, birthday, zodiac sign, boob size, and more. Find out just about everything there is to know about this model.
Name: | Fiona Fuchs |
Also Known As: | Ask Her |
Gender: | Female |
Hair Color: | Blonde |
Age: | 25 |
Birthplace: | Köln, DE |
Country of Origin: | Germany |
Date of Birth: | February 1, 1997 |
Height: | 5’8″ |
Boob Size: | D |
Breast (Real or Fake?): | Unknown |
Sexual Preference: | Bisexual |
Weight: | Ask Her |
Ethnicity: | White |
Tattoos: | Yes |
Piercings: | Yes |
Zodiac Sign: | Aquarius |
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