Paying cash for just about anything is easy today. Yes, you can even pay cash for ass today! That’s exactly what Charles Dera and Alexis Fawx did when they bought the sexy, tiny, cute, little teenager Holly Hendrix (see Holly’s profile and every other girl here). Holly took what she thought was a boring AF summer job and it turned out to be the best job she’s ever had. Mrs. Fawx has dildos and sex toys all over the house. The maid wanted to make more money. There was one answer out there. She could get cash for her ass. That’s where the We Pay Cash For Ass porn ad came from. Check out the full video and images from the Our Cute Little Plaything 2 episode. Alexis Fawx is a slutty blonde wife that I would love to fucking pound all day long. Nothing like getting some dirty mature wife pussy along with some young tight teen pussy as well. Thank you, Brazzers for delivering this to us and every other Brazzer girl that you provide for the fap of it.
Porn Ad Name: We Pay Cash For Ass Brazzers Porn Ad
Featured Pornstars: Charles Dera, Alexis Fawx, and Holly Hendrix
Scene Title: Our Cute Little Plaything 2
Site: Real Wife Stories
Network: Brazzers
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